
Vol. 21

Special Lectures

The Role of Capital for Central Banks Kazuo Ueda


The Availability of Scale Economies in Japanese Credit Cooperatives’ Horizontal Mergers Kamon Iwatsubo
An Empirical Analysis of Bubble in Exchange Rates Based on Blanchard-Quah Decomposition Masao Kumamoto
An Empirical Investigation of Cost Efficiency in Japanese Banking Keiichi Hori
Pricing-to-market and Inflation Targeting Eishi Okano
Measuring the Efficiency in Japanese Credit Associations Kozo Harimaya
Policy Reaction Function in Japan Masafumi Kozuka

Book Reviews

Matsumoto, A. (Yoshida, K.)
Fukao, M. and H. Yoshikawa (Nakagawa, R.)
Saito, T. (Fukamachi, I.)
Teranishi, J. (Tanaka, H.)
The Nikkei Financial Daily ed. (Shizume, M.)
Stiglitz, J. E. and B. Greenwald (Sakakibara, E.)
Hanazaki, M. and J. Teranishi (Suto, M.)
Saito, T. (Fukumitsu, K.)
Tsuda, K. (Ichinose, A.)