Chubu Area Study Group
Date and Time︓
14:30 – 17:10 , Sat., Nov. 21, 2020
(No Social Gathering)
(Zoom Meeting Room ID and Pass-code will be notified later)
【 Program 】
Session 1 (14:30 ~ 15:35 )
Chair:Eiji Okano (Nagoya City University)
Subject:The Mechanism of Persistent Zero Interest Rate and Deflation under Money-financed Fiscal Expansion: A Neoclassical Macroeconomics Approach
Presenter:Hideaki Murase (Gakushuin University)
Discussant:Masao Tsuri (Okayama University)
General Meeting of Members and Coffee Break 15:35 ~ 16:05
Session 2 (16:05 ~ 17:10 )
Chair:Yutaka Kurihara (Aichi University)
Subject:Towards a Grand Unified Model for Modern Money Theory (with Kazuki Miura, Tokoha University)
Presenter:Hiroshi Gunji (Daito Bunka University)
Discussant:Eiji Okano (Nagoya City University)
Each presenter and discussant have 35 mins. and 15 mins., respectively as long as there are no special instructions from the chair (15 mins are assigned for a response and discussion with an audience).
Contact : Eiji Okano (Nagoya City University)