Monetary History Study Group

Monetary History Study Group on August 1, 2020

Date:August 1, 2020, 13:30 – 17:30

Venue:Zoom Webiner

Presenters and Subjects:
1. Naoya Maeda (Kobe Shoin Women’s University) and Sadayoshi Takaya (Kansai University)
“An Empirical Study on Policy Process of the Choice for Return to Gold Standard by the U.K in 1920s”

2. Masato Shizume (Waseda University)
“Transition to the Modern Credit Money in Japan: A Case of National Banks”

3. Hiroaki Morota (Yamagata University)
“Chinese Regional Currency and Credit in the early 20th Century”

4. Takeshi Nishimura (Kansai University)
“Restructuring of Monetary and Financial Systems in India during the Inter-War Period”