


Similarity and Corporate Acquisitions Yukito Komuro, Naoshi Ikeda and Kotaro Inoue Abstract
Full Paper in Japanese
An Empirical Analysis of Exercise of Voting Rights by Institutional Investors in Japanese Firms Shogo Hashimoto and Masaharu Hanazaki Abstract
Full Paper in Japanese
The Effect of the Failure of a Financial Institution on the Continuity of Business Transactions Yusuke Imani Abstract
Full Paper in Japanese
Why Was the National Banking Law Amended in 1876? Yoshiaki Shikano Abstract
Full Paper in Japanese

Short Papers

Exit from Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing Given a Lack of Public Confidence in Fiscal Sustainability Hidekazu Niwa Abstract
Full Paper in Japanese

Book Reviews

Shizume, M. (Kobayashi, N.)
Ito, M. (Asai, Y.)
Sakuragawa, M. (Kitasaka, S.)
Kojima, Y. (Yuri, M.)
Ohashi, A. and S. Nakamoto (Kakeshita, T.)